Archive | August, 2016


1 Aug

In January this deal came across for ClassPass that was $60 a month for three months and I jumped on it. I told myself once the price went to its normal monthly fee of $90 I would most likely cancel, but I stuck around for four more months after that. In my mind- if I attended 10 classes a month it was worth it and on average, each month I attended 10-13 classes a month. I attended so many different classes and fell in love with multiple studios.

The whole idea behind ClassPass is to get you to try different things, find what you love, and I am assuming companies hope that at some point, you’ll come on to their studio full time and become a member at their gym. With ClassPass you can only visit a studio three times  a month and once you find your favorites, you will most likely max that out. If you want more, you can pay a drop in, or like some- leave ClassPass and join that particular gym full time for unlimited access.

My monthly maxed out stuidos were always: Denver Sports Recovery, YogaPod, Pure Barre, The Barre Code, and Fierce45. Other studios I visited at least once a month included: EpicRyde, Kindness Yoga, FLEX Yoga + Barre, and The Dailey Method. Obviously, I am a big yoga and barre fan, but ClassPass also got me to try boxing for the first time ever, which although I wasn’t a fan, it got me out of my comfort zone. ClassPass also got my butt out of bed to work out. I have never really been an early morning workout fan, but I did multiple 6am & 7am workouts which were amazing.

So.. I mentioned earlier that Studios probably hope that at some point you’ll leave ClassPass and join them full time. I have two places that were at the top of my list. Denver Sports Recovery (DSR) and The Barre Code (TBC). Because Dan is already a member of DSR, I was able to be an add-on to his account for $50 a month, so due to the price, I joined DSR and plan to go 2-3x per week. But- I did receive an email from TBC for $60 for my first month and at some point I do plan to use that offer because I absolutely LOVED their HIIT class, and every time I left it made me feel awesome.

So- in no way am I trying to endorse or sell you on any of these things, but I talk to people about ClassPass often, and think that if you’re curious about what your next athletic endeavor may be- this could be it and I bet you’ll love it. I know I did.