
4 Apr

I have completed my 6th CrossFit Games Open. And you know what is crazy, how many people are still way more fit than me. It is pretty mind boggling how some people completely lap me in the workouts or complete the task in half the amount of time.

Every year I write a post about what stood out to me. This year the sheer amount of people who signed up to compete at CrossFit Omnia blew my mind (I think we had over 100 members sign up and compete) and so that makes it hard so I am limiting myself to TEN.. okay maybe twelve memories that I think deserve recognition. (These are in no specific order).

#1: 18.2, People unable to take off and put on their own shoes between the first part and the second part of the workout. Yes, I am calling you out Dan and Ross who I helped both of them change their shoes because at that time, it was too challenging to complete this task.


#2: Setting goals not for myself, but for others and they complete them. Hey you Lauren.. Yup, I flat out gave you a goal to beat me in this years open and look at you. YOU did it, and no matter how competitive I can get, I am thrilled you beat me because I know your potential and girl- you’ve got a lot more in there.


#3: Brittney Gaillot, ms. elite. Watching you during your 18.2 repeat where during your burpees you looked at Sarah and me and told us, “I need to slow down, I shouldn’t be going this fast.” and then in 18.2a PRing your clean.. I don’t know about you but MOST of us could NOT talk during that first workout let along PR our clean afterward.


#4: Doing your first ever Rx workout DURING the Open, Jessie Geer. This is an awesome thing that you should totally brag about. Especially considering those 35# dumbbells were not light and you had never done a workout with them before. It was pretty cool to have a conversation with you just 10 minutes before you attempted 18.1 when you were considering just doing it scaled, but then decided to give Rx a try and excelling in it. Proud of you.


#5: Realizing which people you are similar to in the gym even though you’ve worked out with them multiple times. Freaking Rj & Tyler Sexton… You guys definitely gave me a push and it was great knowing each others scores and realizing how similar of athletes we are. Except on 18.5, Tyler you gave us a run for our money.


#6: Sibling Love. or Hate. no… all the love. Watching Mike and Patrick Kelly go head to head in some of the workouts, or right after another was pretty fun to watch and then to see the leaderboard shift between you two was truly amazing. Also, the Gaillot Clan.. you beautiful specimens… Your love for one another is also something truly special. Helping judge, push, encourage and to simply just be there for one another is inspiring.


#7: 12 minutes of double under attempts. I am pretty sure Aaron B did this, but I judged Willa so only saw her attempt- sorry Aaron, but for both of you: your poor calves!! But in all seriousness, Willa- I LOVED how you kept your head up, you smiled between your attempts and guess what.. you got 100 DUs under the time cap, and even was able to attempt a clean. I am excited to see what the future holds for you because I can see your excitement and your drive to become the best version of yourself.


#8: Although apart, still together. I signed up for my first Open, three months into CrossFit thanks to Kelli and through the years have became close to four special girls; Angela, Lauren, Mo, and Jesse. These five girls, although two are now out of state are always on my radar when the open is going on, because with one- it is where it all began, and with the other four I have suffered with them through the years.  Talking to each of them about what worked, what didn’t, our thoughts on the workout not 5 seconds after Dave Castro announced the workout and then just the sheer fact that we each make one another BETTER is what makes the open special. Having those close peeps to push you and to also encourage.


#9: Blas just layin down how you should get stuff done. This dude had a game plan for each competitive athlete to help them excel, and I know it all came from the heart. Yes, he wants you to do well and to do your best but he also has your sanity in check. He knows what you’re capable of and I want to nickname him the Wizard Behind the Curtain because he has helped so many great athletes at our gym but would never take any credit for it.


#10. Community. I have never been part of such a BIG group of crossfitters who all do the open, put in their scores every week and come back wanting more. Omnia’s community is fierce and it is exactly what I needed this year. You all pushed me to be better and you all should be proud of your accomplishments.


#11: Heart, Drive, Desire and all in all a Good Human Being. We knew coming to Omnia it would be competitive. This was one of the main things that brought us here. Through this years Open Dan kept his head up, he never gave up, and he kept pushing hard to do his best. He has the biggest heart of anyone I know, his desire to be the best he can be is not a secret, and through all of the competitiveness he was still a good human who cheered people on, had a beer or two with fellow athletes and came in the following day ready to grind. Dan, you are the love of my life and are a rockstar. I loved watching you workout every week and I know my parents would come and watch you workout every day if they could after watching you murder 18.3.


#12: Ending the open with a new, very close friend. Alicia, you have put a permanent mark on my heart and I started the 2018 Open with you judging my 18.1 score, which I know you were mad at me for, but through the five weeks of sweat, tears, and attitudes our friendship grew and I was happy to end the 2018 Open with you next to me doing the workout side by side. You are someone special and I am happy you are now able to head to regionals to be part of the HQ social team. You deserve it.


And oh yeah.. I celebrated the end of the Open completing my first marathon. Ha- who does that?

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