Tag Archives: sweat


10 Jul

Last week I wrote about setting goals, and was very excited about new personal records (PRs) I had set for myself, but last night I had the complete opposite feeling. I realize that with CrossFit you really do need to leave your ego at the door and that you are there to better yourself, but last night my attitude got the best of me, and my performance lacked. Everyone has their ‘off’ days. Everyone has experienced a bad workout. Yesterday was mine.

We started the night out with snatch-grip deadlifts which is a normal deadlift, but with a wider grip on the bar. I was doing okay with this strength portion of the workout, and felt a good burn when the seven rounds of two reps was completed. But then that all changed for our cardio portion which was “Power Elizabeth” which is:


21-15-9 Reps (For Time)

Power Clean 135lbs(men)/95lbs(women)

Ring Dips


Doesn’t seem too difficult right?! Well… Wrong. Elizabeth is a bitch, who put me in my place last night. This Elizabeth chick is on my list, and now I know what I need to work on (among many other things).  I had to scale the workout down so that I could actually complete it and so my WOD looked like this:

21-15-9 (For Time)

Power Clean at 85lbs

Ring Dips with a 20” box to rest my toes on for scaling


And even after scaling- I was the last person to finish the WOD out of the class of 18 people. Normally it doesn’t bother me if I am the last one to finish, but something was off last night and although I came to the realization that I need to seriously work on ring dips and my cleans, I also need to remember to breathe, not to let the clock get the best of me, and to remember that I have only been doing this crazy sport of CrossFit for 7 months and that I should be proud of myself. I have tendency to end my blog posts with a few words of encouragement and today is no different. If you have a bad workout, don’t let it affect you for too long. Move on. Life it too short to sweat (pun intended) the small stuff.